Sunday, May 10, 2009



i was more than joyed to to spend it with my grandma and mom and sister and when we were talking i learned something, that you always have to take care of yourself and build your career first before you settle down and have kids and you know get married (if ever.)

Because my mom and my grandma's husbend's always said and still do say "you will never make it without me you could never take care of yourself without me and my money"

even though my grandma and mom work have and had jobs and are some tough cookies because my mom works three jobs and still does not make what my dad makes so he thinks "she would not make it without him."

so i learned that you always have to put your career first before you get a husbend and kids (if ever) and that you can't rely on any men you have to take care of yourself or you could be stuck in the same place forever. so stand on your own two feet not someone else's and don't ever take your mothers or grandmothers for granted.

So happy mother's day and treat them like a god!

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