Saturday, June 6, 2009

i wish i could do more

so my dog is now ok she i just laying around she
is like her old self now happy
and hyper so good.

but something that is not so good is people lattly.

they lie alot more for some reason i don't know why? like um for and example to your face to "protect" you how does that make scence? it doesn't thats how. this boy for example broke this sweet sweet girls heart i mean she is very nice she does everything for everyone else and he cheated on her he told her he loved her and then cheated she is not around alot she travels but you don't cheat because of that!!!! he lied to her face and had other girls in THEIR bed lied to her face broke her to shreds and wants no EXCEPTS to be forgiven. ha. ha. ha. right like that is going to happen agian see she did forgive him the first time but no not a second time. it like the saying "fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me!"

just can't understand how u can live with yourself when u hurt someone so bad when u lie and cheat to there face and tell them that ur not i....i...just don't get it. how can you do that? to a human being? and one you love or in his case "love"

i don't get you Mr."Author" i really don't

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