Wednesday, July 29, 2009

this is me(kinda).

this is me understanding life (kinda) .
understanding that things do change (and not always for the better).
that it is not all about me.
that some people are not good people.
that people die.
that life isn't always fair or right.
that the person you love and the person who loves you are diffrent people.
that i'm not always right, or in the right mind i will be wrong sometimes.
that i'm not perfect and never will be.
that i make mistakes(REALLY REALLY stupid mistakes).
that i will say stuff that isn't true to make me feel better.
that some people will never change.
that it's easy to pretend that everything is alright and that you didn't see that horiable injustice.
that living with your eyes closed is easier.
this is me uderstanding life (kinda).
"any change even for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts."
"A taste for irony has kept more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor, for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself."

Thursday, July 23, 2009

looking on the bright side when there is no bright side.

ok so nothing good has happened to me at all this week in fact it it has all been bad but i feel good i have everything i could every want in the palm of my hand, the people i want to be around, and love me so much and i am going on vacation next thursday and am going to be doing what i love for 3 days swimming with the people i love the most and i just can't wait. and my cousins just came down from Idaho so i get to see them witch is great so i get to see them tonight!:) and tomarrow!:) so great. so even though some bad stuff happened i can always look on the bright side:)

hope you have a great week:)

xo Shyanne

Saturday, July 18, 2009

well see?

I like him better when he's wearing clothes, not hoes.
ok that was the last thing i am going to say about ryan ross. ok, now that that is done with...
i am going to go on vacation with my cuz's and aunt and uncle to a big water park for a few days and this is what i really needed at the moment is to just forget stuff for a few days or even a few hours at a time you know? been busy need to clear my mind and spend a few days with my family. sounds good right. well see? ok so i was on youtube and i was watching these videos and i thought they were bloody amazing check it out:) very cool!
and... ha ha
and last but not least this is like my house
hope you like those if you have not heard of her then check more of her videos out. have an awesome day bye. ;)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

i can't deal anymore im sorry

i cried i was so disapointed this is why...

  1. Panic At The Disco broke up(i can deal with that)

  2. ryan ross cheated on Keltie Colleen(bastered she is soooo nice but can still deal)

  3. some people said that they might do drugs(might not be true can STILL deal)

  4. ryan ross drinking ALOT(can STILL STILL deal not that bad)

  5. the picture above on the table there is coke! COKE!!!! I AM PISSED OFF I WANT TO THROW HIM OUT A WINDOW AND MORE!!!!

i liked it better when they were not doing drugs. I mean they helped me through so much i loved them so much and i know a lot of girls say that but when my parents were about to get a devorse i was so deppressed and tired of them yelling there faces off and waking up to it on a sunday or saturday morning and i could not take it anymore i was about ready to run away, or worse. Then i found this music i heard that i understood and loved and could relate to and i fell in love with that band. my life was unstable and the one thing that was not unstable about my life was this band and i could hear it and just fade away into it i could just get lost in it really i could. and i was happy for once in a long time even though i would not admit to it but i truly was. happy.

then some stuff happened and i was not so happy anymore. Like the Keltie Colleen thing and it was and still is none of my buissness i know that they can keep that private, but then they broke up the band broke up. my happiness broke up how was that possible i thought to myself why would they break up something has to be going on? i was searching the internet one day and i was not even looking for it but it found it's way anyway. the picture, the picture, the picture. of the coke of the other stuff (i am sure you have eyes.) That was the most disapointing part of all. the people who helped me in my time of need, needed help?

but the worst part is some how sadly i knew this was going to happen but i still loved you well not anymore. my love is now gone, you have wasted it. And now your all alone.

Monday, July 13, 2009

i wish i couldn't care

I am so confused and i know that won't change. You really can't keep anyone happy is what i just learned, and i really hate it. I want to make everyone happy and i want everyone to be together but it's eather drugs or cheating or breaking up or making up, thats what's wrong and some times i feel like i am in a dead end world with a life that is just history repeating it's self and i hate it! I really do think that they should get back together but i know things won't change they sadly never do, but i know someone won't be happy and it kills me, he will keep doing drugs and playing the good guy card like the best liar that i know. You make my stomach acid turn but it's not fair and im sorry i will suport you but keep in mind until then it's not fair to me. i know you will make it you have always been a fighter not a lover and i will always love you that's what makes it so hard to let some of you go, that's what makes it so hard to see you like this, that's what makes it so hard to accept what you do, and have done but i will forgive and forget for you because it really is not fair. "Offering to help another person out of a bind is certainly admirable, but he or she could expect too much from you, and over-committing can leave you exhausted at the end of the day. You can still show your compassion; just remember that you cannot save anyone else unless you also save something for yourself." It is true you know you can't save anyone else but yourself and i really have a hard time seeing that, and now i am exhausted and it is all me fault.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

my hero

it is so hard watching one of your heroes destroy their self
Super Guitarist Rock Star Man is my favorite superhero
or not anymore?
As cheap as that sounded, it rang clear with truth: he wanted his dad to love him enough to not drink himself to death.
same here but not my dad

Sunday, July 5, 2009


at this point and time i could run around screaming and nobody would notice me! i just really wish some people didn't always think about their selfs. i really can't stand the sound of doors slaming anymore it is killing me i just don't have the capacity to be angry. the only good news i have heard all day is that panic at the disco(my favorite band) is recording and they already have demos so they arn't that far from a record so that made me very happy:)