so "sam" is all over me again. ugh! now what?
me and sam have become really good friends and i feel like i am leading him on which i hope he doesn't think that. he hasn't asked me out yet thank god but he keeps asking me what i am doing this weekend or tonight and i have to make stuff up because i don't want to have him ask me "out" so now he thinks i am a really really busy person. last week i made a poem and its a poem about a girl who is breaking up with her boyfriend because he almost destroyed her dream and she wouldn't let that happen he is a guy that doesn't diserve her and he has a temper and a drinking problem but he is trying to become a better person for her and her loves her to no end they fight all the time but always see past it for each other but this time he made a big mistake and she can't forgive him(you can see the poem at the end of my blog).
anyways off topic! i let my friend read it and she liked it and sam was sitting right their but i didn't want him to read it but he asked me and i said no because it was private and i didn't feel comfortable letting him read it. so we have a break in class and i go to check out this one thing at my school and he and my friend come and he is really close to me trying to get the poem out of my hand and everytime he fails and he is begging to read it.
so i let him read it to get him off my back and when i come back he is asking me all of these questions like: what is the poem about? Is this your home life? blah blah blah. so he took it wrong which i kinda knew he would but insteed of being smart and saying "hay this is fiction and it is basiclly a little story" i say "i don't want to talk about it" whoa! where did that come from? so he keeps pressing me about it and it gets awkward and later he says he is sorry for being rude and asking me all of these questions.
wow! what am i doing? am i leading him on?
heres the poem.
The bottled up words were tossed into the sky.
Forgiveness was not an option right now.
she remembered how fucked up her bottem lip was.
How everything she had ever wanted could have been taken away in a split second.
And it was all his fault.
"You have to go" she repeated, this time in the saddest tone imaginable.
She hoped he would hurry up and leave before she changed her mind.
He was hers and she didn't want to cut him loose even after the mistakes he'd made.
He thought she was making this harder than it needed to be.
That they would just talk about it and move on, like they always did.
But it was diffrent.
He almost ruined the one thing that made he unique.
The one thing that was always their for her.
His temper went off.
He moved closer to her, pulled her hair by the roots and raised his fist to her face.
He'd never resorted to physical violence with her before, but there was a first for everything.
Plus it's not like she hadn't expected this type of behavor from him.
She didn't really care if he hit her.
She wasn't afraid.
It would hurt of course, but everything hurt lately.
My friend said that when i was gone and he finished reading my poem he told her "i am never going to get over her."
that is the nicest thing that anyone has ever said about me i just wish i felt the same way about him